10 years ago today two young crazy fools stood in front of their loved ones (and one scary old minister!) and did the whole "til death us do part" thing. I do not feel old enough to have been married for 10 years, but there it is in black and white on the marriage certificate so it must be true!!
I can only assume that my dear husband was dropped on his
head as a baby as any man in full control of his faculties would surely have ran for the hills a long time ago! Fortunately for me he has stuck around, and he has made me happier than I ever thought possible.
I was particularly happy this morning when he
presented me with this little beauty!!
My original engagement ring, bought when Hubby was still a student for "less than we pay for a nice meal these days" (his words) had broken again a few months ago, and fixing it for a second time would mean that it had cost more to repair than he paid for it all those years ago!
I had (cheekily and hopefully) hinted at the time that perhaps a new ring might be in order, and we had briefly discussed it last week, but I never imagined something so beautiful and was utterly gobsmacked when he gave me the little box this morning!!
One reason I was so surprised is that I thought I already had my anniversary present - I had returned home from Scotland on Tuesday night to find this waiting for me!
My very own bass guitar!!! I have wanted to play the bass guitar since I was about 17 when my good friend Claire and I spent many evenings watching scruffy bands in dingy little pubs and clubs around Edinburgh. I was always captivated by the bass players who stood around looking a bit bored and incredibly cool, and produced sounds so deep and beautiful they made me shiver. I can't see me getting more than a shudder of horror out of my audiences, but i'm going to give it my best shot and Gods dammit, i'm going to enjoy myself!!!
So, now i'm faced with the challenge of how to repay my wonderful husband for these anniversary gifts, particularly as I am now a kept woman and buying him a present with his own money seems a little wierd! Hmmmmm ....... how about some freshly baked love? Need I say more ..........?