Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Wine tasting in the sun :-)

On Sunday we were delighted to be invited to the Vintage Santa Clara Wine & Food Festival with Eric and Rose - an annual alumni event at Santa Clara University where Eric was a student. Now, this most likely conjures up an image of elegantly dressed people sniffing, swirling and spitting fine wines in the sunshine - and you would almost be right! There were many elegantly dressed people, there were lots of very fine wines, but not a whole lot of "tasting" going on!!

So, I'll set the scene. We're in a courtyard at the uni and it's full of little white tented stalls representing all the local wineries. Once you had paid for your ticket, everything at the event was free, so you just picked up your glass on arrival and started making your way round the stalls.

Now, we tried to be methodical so we could fit all the stalls in but that plan soon fell by the wayside!! (At this point I should probably point out that we were only getting wee taster pours at each stand, although there was nothing to stop you going back repeatedly if you found one you liked!)

There was every kind of wine under the sun, and even a few beers if you were that way inclined, but I stuck to the red and soon lost track of what I had and hadn't tried! My personal favourite was easy to remember though, as it was a rather delicious cabernet sauvignon from the Punch Vineyard, which was the name of my dog when I was a kid! :-)

Luckily some local restaurants also had stands and we were able to line our stomachs with chicken skewers, calamari, roast hog, and a Mexican ground beef pasty which was one of the most delicious things I have ever eaten!!

A wonderful ageing rock band provided the sound track for the afternoon, and inevitably there was much dancing as the wine took hold!

It was a wonderful afternoon, and full of many moments where Hubby and I had to pinch ourselves as we still cannot quite believe that this is our life now!

But our day was not over yet. Custom dictates that when the festival ends everyone make there way to the local student bar a short walk away - and I mean everyone!! I have never seen so many people crammed in to one place, and it was incredibly uncomfortable so we didn't stay long.

Eric told us an interesting story, though, of how everyone comes after graduation and pins a dollar bill with their business card (or some just write their name on the bill) to the ceiling, and if they get made redundant they can come back and take the dollar down and get a free drink. I thought that was a nice story, and all the dollar bills made an impressive sight!

Any sane person would have gone home at this point, but we stayed out for another hour or two, luckily in a much quieter bar, before we headed for the train home - very drunk and very happy ..... *hic*

A HUGE thank you to Eric and Rose for an awesome day out!!! x

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Further adventures in baking land ......

So, yesterday I decided it was time to try and bake bread. We have long lamented the fact that we can't find a decent loaf of bread over here (seriously - wtf is the obsession with sour dough?!?!?!), and as my beloved Philippa came with a dough hook I was finally out of excuses not to try.

Now, I'm usually a wholegrain kind of girl, but my little Kitchen Aid recipe book suggested a simple white easy rise loaf for beginners so that's what I went with. It was a wonderfully simple recipe - dump stuff in mixer and ..... errrr ....... mix! The recipe made two loaves, but i felt there was too much dough for the mixer and poor Philippa seemed to be struggling.

I persevered with the kneading until I started to fear for my little mixer's well being, then shaped the dough into loaves and popped them in the fridge to rest and rise.

I had little faith when I popped the first loaf in the oven, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a little dense, though I'm not sure if that was how it was supposed to be or if further kneading would have helped, but it was still tasty with a nice crunchy crust and made a suitable accompaniment to last night's soup.

As first attempts go I felt it could have been a lot worse, and there is something unbelievably satisfying about eating your own homemade bread!! Am I about to stop buying shop made bread? Well, probably not! But I'm definitely looking forward to having another go!! :-)

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Baking and barbecues

Yesterday was a particularly good day! I was in full on domestic goddess mode and spent the day in the kitchen. I had a wee craving for soup so made a little pot of carrot and coriander and a humongous pot of ham and vegetable - yum! But the highlight of my afternoon was, once again, spending some quality time with Philippa! :-)

We were going to a barbecue in the
evening so I decided it was the perfect excuse to try making cupcakes with the mixer. I probably would have made them anyway, but this way I wouldn't have to eat them all. And I would have. Easily.

Once again, my beloved mixer proved she was worth every cent! My cupcakes could no longer be used as doorstops!! The sponge was light and fluffy, and the frosting was silky and smooth - I
was almost sorry I had to share them!

As I was on a roll, I decided to mix up some more cookies to take to the barbecue too. (I had originally planned on taking the ones I'd made on Friday, but sadly there were only two left ...) It was while sorting the ingredients that I realised I had accidentally made the previous batch using baking powder instead of baking soda. Now, I'm not really sure what the difference is, but the only difference in the end result seemed to be a whiter cookie. I would be very grateful if someone (Nancy? Kirstie?) could tell me why this should be .......

Anyway, the goodies were well received at the barbecue, and of the 12 cupcakes and 11 cookies (one cookie was consumed in advance for quality control ...) only one cupcake was left at the end of the night :-)

Much fun was had at the barbecue! Peter had marinaded a tritip (mmmm .... beef ......!) and Teo (pictured next to hubby) brought some yummy prawn skewers.

In addition to burgers and hotdogs, our hosts Cameron (left) and Katy (below on the left) made some divine chicken stuffed with homemade pesto and wrapped in bacon (Cameron - I want the recipe for your pesto!)

We ate, we drank, we tried not to piss the neighbours off, and after a wee round of Guitar Hero we retired to bed, drunk and happy!! :-)

Friday, 2 September 2011

Cookie-tastic!! :-)

Oh my God!! Oh my God!! Oh my God!! Oh my God!! Oh my God!! How much do I love Philippa?! (In case you missed my last post, Philippa is my new mixer)

We had our first playdate today making cookies, and I have to say they are my finest work to date!! In my world the perfect cookie is crunchy round the edge and soft and crumbly in the middle, but previous efforts, while tasty enough, were crunchy all the way through. I had tried less time in the oven but the end result was still the same.

Whipping up a batch of cookie dough with Philippa was a dream! No sore arm and shoulder from trying to beat the butter! No head to toe dusting of flour - well, only a little when I turned the mixer up too high!

For some reason the end result was a lot paler than previous attempts, but looked more like the cookies I know and love, and as you can see from the next photo, these cookies were so wonderfully soft I couldn't even get all of them off the tray in one piece.

So all in all, I think I can quite confidently call this exercise a success!! Tomorrow's mission is to see how Philippa performs with cupcakes, but my mission right now is to try and not eat all the cookies before Hubby comes home. Chances .........?!?!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Who am I and what have I done with myself .....?!?!

Ok, so I know I haven't been around for a while, and I do have some adventures which I will try and write about soon, but I really feel I have to share my latest excitement!! Please meet Philippa, my shiny new mixer!! (yes, I have a strange habit of naming inanimate objects - don't ask .....)

I have been very surprised to discover that I have a budding passion for baking, and I imagine most of my friends will be surprised too! (although, I think Kirstie will be quite proud!) I have made some valiant attempts at making cupcakes and cookies manually, but haven't been too pleased with the consistency of the dough so am looking forward to having a go with the mixer. :-)

Further excitement was had when I also bought a sewing machine online. My current skills don't stretch beyond sewing on a button, but I have fancied trying my hand at dressmaking for a while and, with help from the "idiots guide to sewing" book I ordered and pestering my friend who lives across the road (I apologise in advance, Katy!), I should hopefully be turning out pretty little dresses in no time :-)

Well, that's all I really have for now. I will keep you posted on my forays into domestic goddess-ery - I'm sure you could all do with a laugh! First up will be new improved cookies tomorrow - watch this space ........