Monday 30 July 2012

Hello!! It's me again!!

I know, I know!! It's been, like, forever since my last post! Well, actually it was May, but it feels like forever! How have you all been? Things have been pretty quiet chez Kavanagh, hence my radio silence. 

The most exciting news from the last couple of months has been the awesome progress on my weight loss challenge! I had managed to lose about 4lbs earlier in the year but was really struggling to shift any more, so I decided to make the most of Hubby's two and a half week business trip last month and made myself huge pots of healthy bean soup and veggie bean rice to live on while he was away - fortunately they are two of my favorite meals anyway so it was quite easy to stick to them. 

I also spent an obscene amount of time in the gym, but the result was another 6lbs off so by the time Hubby came home I was back to 170lbs, the weight I was when we moved to America - hurrah!!! Ive managed to lose another 6lbs this month which pretty much puts me back at my happy size - more hurrahs!! I don't really want to lose much more weight, but I would like to improve my current shape so I will be spending even more obscene amounts of time at the gym trying to convert some of this lard to muscle. *groan*

But at least I wont have to "diet" anymore and I can get back to my cooking which I am really looking forward to, and will give us more stuff to chat about again - yet another hurrah!! First up, tonight we're going to have another bash at a sausage and spinach risotto I tried a while back - I don't think I told you about the first attempt as it was ... well ... a bit shit! I'll let you know how that goes!

Now, please don't be worrying that I'm going to disappear again for months!! There's way too much exciting stuff happening that I'll just have to tell you about!! Curious? Well, here's a little teaser of what to look forward to:

1) Hubby and I will be doing a cheeky wee road trip at the end of the month, which will include a few nights in Vegas catching up with Hubby's sister!!

2) In a mere 6 weeks we will have our first visitors from Scotland, which we are ridiculously excited about!!!

Oh, and I'm totally going to have to show you all the pretty new dresses I've bought to celebrate my return to fabulousness!!! 

Well, that should do for now. Stay tuned for a little rundown of our anniversary weekend coming up shortly, and of course, tomorrow's exciting risotto update ......
