Tuesday 24 January 2012

Soupy goodness!

Happy Tuesday, peeps!! I am delighted to report that I am finally over my cold and feeling relatively human again - hurrah!!

I am also happy to report that last night's sausage and bean soup was a total success - hurrah again!! In fact, to quote my wonderful hubby, it was my finest soup to date! :-)

If anyone fancies having a go, you can find the recipe here: sausage bean soup

I made a couple of tweaks to the recipe - I didn't use the celery as I think it is the devil's vegetable and will not allow it in my cooking!! Also, I didn't have any kale so I put a green bell pepper and some fresh corn in instead.

We're quite lucky it tasted good as it makes a ridiculously huge pot of soup (the recipe could easily be halved) and we shall be enjoying it again for dinner tonight!

On that note, I had better try and get my ass back to the gym *groan*

Laters ........ x


  1. mmmm that looks pretty fantastic! I might have to give that a go. Glad you are feeling better! Sorry you missed out on the weirdest party ever LOL
