Wednesday 11 April 2012

Recent Adventures

Hubby and I have had a few wee adventures over the last couple of weeks. I wont bore you with all the details, but here are a few photos for your viewing pleasure! :-)

 First up was a group trip to Tahoe. As you may know, I'm not much of an outdoors girl, but I was more than happy to hold down the fort while the others went skiing or gambling! Hubby took to the slopes for the first time in about 15 years and had a great weekend! Here's a photo of him looking all handsome in his ski gear :-)

And below is a shot of our group outside the cabin

Next up was a last minute trip to San Francisco. We travelled up last Thursday night and had an awesome meal at Puccini & Pinetti, on Ellis Street. If you ever find yourself hungry in that part of town it is seriously worth checking out. I had the braised short rib and it was one of the most delicious things I have ever had!!

We spent the next day just wandering around the city - one of my favourite things to do :-) Here are some of the highlights:

 This is me having a rest after climbing down then back up Lombard from Coit Tower (which you can see on the hill at the back)

This is beside the Exploratorium where we sat and had a picnic. It was so peaceful, you could easily forget you were in a city!

Here we are with Yoda outside George Lucas's offices :-)

Later on we went for curry and drinkies, and yes,
this really is a barman wearing a Radio Clyde t-shirt!! (FYI, Radio Clyde is our local radio station back in Glasgow)


 My new favourite bar is Blondie's on Valencia, where they serve margaritas by the pint *hic*

I'll be honest, neither of us have any idea what or where this is!! From the sequence of photos on the camera it was clearly taken somewhere between the last bar and the hotel, and appears to be a cupcake emporium so I would be very keen to find it again!!

Finally, we rounded off our Easter weekend adventures with a Sunday potluck lunch/dinner at our friends across the road. Hubby and I were on dessert, and we slaved for hours to produce this little rack of goodies

From top to bottom we have:

Miniature trifles

Caramel shortcake, and Oreo cookie truffles

Chocolate cake pops, and mini cupcakes

Our offerings went down well, and according to Hubby, the leftovers were well received at his work on Monday :-)

Well, that's all the excitement for now - tune in next time for ... well .... more mindless nonsense, I imagine!! xxx


  1. Awesome looks like a fabulous easter. Could I have a cupcake pwease, they look so yummy!!! xxx love charlie xxx

    1. Im not sure they would travel very well, babe! You'll just have to come visit ..... ;-) xxx

  2. Pint of margarita.... we will be going there!!!

    1. Funny, Nadine, I was thinking exactly the same thing!! :-) x
